Monday, July 19, 2010

Some Alternative Cover Designs...

I came up with some possible designs for a new cover for Dragon in the Sky...your feedback would be appreciated.

← This one is the first attempt. I like the idea of the dragon, map, and scene below, but I'm not so sure about the font and monotone colour...

Different font, removed texture, some colour... →

← A bit more colour...perhaps a little too much. It looks as though my six-year-old daughter got hold of it and went a little crazy with a crayon...

Sepia tones for the map and dragon forming the sky...a possibility. The texture integrates the dragon and map, but it might be a little overpowering. →

← Dragon in the centre of the map; map is of larger scale; I think this is too busy.

Getting better, I think... →

← Same as the one above to the right, but with gold tones.

One more, same as the two to the left and right above but with gold 'sky' and the scene at the bottom in colour... →

← And this is what my previous publisher came up with...